Chapter 9 Launching a New Republic Reading Study Guide Answers

Chapter 9: Launching a New Republic


S ection 1: Washington's Presidency

Objectives/ Students should be able to:

     Describe the decisions made by Washington and Congress that established precedents for later years

     Summarize Hamilton's plan to address the nation's economic and financial issues

Mrs. Pagotto's Video Lecture: YouTube, TeacherTube

Reading Guide: Chapter 9 Section 1 Reading Guide.docx

PowerPoint: Ch 9.1 Washington's Presidency.ppt

Washington's Presidency: A Difficult Task.pdf

Conflict between Hamilton & Jefferson

     Hamilton vs. Jefferson Student Resource.doc
     How to Handle Conflict in Your Life: making_peace.pdf

How Banks Work:

     The Mint Interactive Website

American Ride Video:

Rivers & Railroads

Section 2: Challenges to the New Government

Objectives/ Students should be able to:

     Identify the challenges posed by competing claims in the Northwest Territory and by the Whiskey Rebellion and how they were resolved

     List reasons why the new nation remained neutral in European conflicts and how that position affected foreign relations

Mrs. Pagotto's Video Lecture: YouTube, TeacherTube

Mrs. Pagotto's Animoto

PowerPoint Notes: 9.2Challenges to the New Government.ppt
Crossword Puzzle: 9.1 & 9.2 Refresher.pdf
Graphic Organizer: 9.2 Graphic Organizer.pdf
Video Log Form: Whiskey Rebellion Video Log.pdf
Mini Project "Create a Test": Mini Project Create a Test.docx

CYOA- Create Your Own Adventure

Pick a project and then a topic. Be creative!

Check your work before you hand it in!!!


Type  Description
Acrostic Poem.doc

A word from the unit is written vertically and then each letter is used to start each line of a descriptive poem.
Advice Letter.doc

 Write a letter to a historical figure giving him or her advice on a problem.

Picture Frame.doc

 Design a graphic organizer in the shape of a picture frame about a historical figure.

Create a caution sign warning people about something dangerous from a civilization.


General Anthony "Mad Anthony" Wayne:

General Anthony Wayne Info

Was General "Mad Anthony" Wayne Really Mad?

General Anthony Wayne Buried in Two Places

Chief Little Turtle:

     The Supreme Court of Ohio and the Ohio Judicial System

      The American History

    Ohio History Connection

The Battle of Fallen Timbers:

     Fallen Timbers Battlefield Memorial Park

     National Park Service

     Ohio Local History

The Whiskey Rebellion:

     Mount Vernon

    National Park Service

U.S. Department of Treasury

Explore U.S. History

The French Revolution

     French Revolution and the United States.doc

     George Mason University

     Eyewitness to History


    Reign of Terror

Jay's Treaty

U.S. Department of State: Office of the Historian

Primary Resource (Official Document)

Pinckney's Treaty

U.S. Department of State: Office of the Historian

Primary Resource (Official Document)

Section 3: The Federalists in Charge

Objectives/ Students should be able to:

     Describe Washington's return to private life, his fears of political parties, and the reasons parties grew

     Summarize national and international issues dividing Americans during Adams's presidency and the conflict over states' rights

Mrs. Pagotto's Video Lecuture: YouTube, TeacherTube

Guide to Video Lecture: 9.3 Guided Notes.docx
Reading Guide: 9.3 Reading Guide.pdf
Middle School Farewell Address Writing Assignment: Middle School Farewell Address.docx

President Washington's Farewell Address:

     Primary Source in Word Document: Washington's Farewell Address.doc
     Primary Source in Web Version

XYZ Affair:

     Office of the Historian

     The Jefferson Monticello

     John Adams Historical Society

     Other Bribe Issues: Barbary Pirates

Quasi War:

     Primary Documents: Yale Law School Avalon Project

Alien and Sedition Acts:

     Primary Resource & Interactive Version

     Bill of Rights Institute

     Digital History

     First Amendment Center (History of Arrests, Indictments, Mistreatment, & Abuse)

Matthew Lyon (Convicted of Sedition):

     Federal Judiciary Center

     Digital History (Same Resource as the Digital History tab above)

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (1798):

Digital History (Same Resource as the Digital History tab above)

Free Speech Issues

     Free Speech Primer.doc
     From School to Supreme Court.doc

 Arena Debate- Free Speech & Immigration

The Border Wall Websites:


Refusing to Stand for the National Anthem:


SMS Generator:

Chapter 9 Review Bingo Game: Ch 9 Bingo Review.pdf

Chapter 9 Study Guide: Review Bell Work questions

Chapter 9 Launching a New Republic Reading Study Guide Answers


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