Chapter 21 Section 2 Guided Reading the Twenties Woman

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Transcript of Chapter 21 Section 2 The Twenties Woman. Chapter 21 Section 2

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Chapter 21 Section 2 The Twenties Woman Slide 2 Chapter 21 Section 2 Slide 3 The Flapper Represented the idea of rebellious youth Represented the idea of rebellious youth Reflected the image of a new sophisticated woman Reflected the image of a new sophisticated woman Slide 4 Pre war clothes disappeared Replaced with bright, shorter dresses, silk stockings, pumps, beads and bracelets Flappers clipped their hair into bobs and dyed it black Wore dark lipstick Slide 5 The New Attitude The Twenties woman was more assertive - she did things that would have ruined her reputation in the past reputation in the past Smoking, drinking Smoking, drinking in public, playing golf Slide 6 The New Attitude cont... Attitudes toward marriage changed Attitudes toward marriage changed Marriage was viewed as an equal partnership although women did have certain roles Marriage was viewed as an equal partnership although women did have certain roles Slide 7 The Double Standard The media promoted the image of the flapper The media promoted the image of the flapper Traditionalists in churches and schools protested the new woman Traditionalists in churches and schools protested the new woman Casual dating became accepted Casual dating became accepted Slide 8 The Double Standard Despite casual dating, women were held to stricter standards of behavior Despite casual dating, women were held to stricter standards of behavior Slide 9 New Work Opportunities Work opportunities changed for women as men returned from the war and growing mechanization Work opportunities changed for women as men returned from the war and growing mechanization 1 million female college graduates moved into womens professions 1 million female college graduates moved into womens professions Slide 10 The number of women as police officers, bankers, lawyers and probation officers increased as well The number of women as police officers, bankers, lawyers and probation officers increased as well Slide 11 Big business also created a need for clerical workers Big business also created a need for clerical workers By 1930, 10 million women were earning wages By 1930, 10 million women were earning wages Medical schools imposed a 5% quota on female admissions Medical schools imposed a 5% quota on female admissions Slide 12 Men argued that a womans real place was in the home Men argued that a womans real place was in the home Patterns of discrimination and inequality for women in the business world were established Patterns of discrimination and inequality for women in the business world were established Slide 13 The Changing Family The birthrate was continually dropping in the 1920s women were having fewer children The birthrate was continually dropping in the 1920s women were having fewer children Agencies and institutions handled more and more family tasks Agencies and institutions handled more and more family tasks Schools, nursing homes, ready made clothes, etc. Schools, nursing homes, ready made clothes, etc. Slide 14 Attitudes toward Marriage Marriage was based on personal choice instead of family choices Marriage was based on personal choice instead of family choices Couples began to get divorced if they werent happy in their marriage Couples began to get divorced if they werent happy in their marriage Slide 15 Working Women Most women stayed home as housewives Most women stayed home as housewives If a woman worked: If a woman worked: it was thought that her husband failed as the breadwinner it was thought that her husband failed as the breadwinner her family really needed the income her family really needed the income she had a college degree she had a college degree Slide 16 Working Women Women who worked had to balance both work and family Women who worked had to balance both work and family Led to rebellious teens Led to rebellious teens Teens spent more time at school than at work (child labor laws) Teens spent more time at school than at work (child labor laws) Extra socializing led to rebellion Extra socializing led to rebellion Slide 17 Quick Check Changes: Women in the 1920s LifestylesFamiliesJobs

Chapter 21 Section 2 Guided Reading the Twenties Woman


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